You May Have a Bite Dysfunction and Not Even Know It

With age comes beauty, or so they say, but that isn’t necessarily true for your teeth and gums, especially considering all of the gnashing, biting, crunching and chewing you do every day.

According to the American Dental Association, one of the worst threats to your teeth is food. If your diet consists of lots of starchy and sugary foods, acid erosion will occur. Once the carbohydrates begin to ferment in your mouth the bacteria starts to produce acid that will eat away the enamel. Most people assume that sugary treats are the worst, but carbonated drinks are just as dangerous, if not more so. Recent studies have indicated that sports drinks are a real threat as well.

It is important to prevent wear and tear when it comes to your teeth. Contrary to popular belief, teeth do not get brittle as you age. Unlike your bones, your teeth will stay healthy as long as you practice good oral hygiene and see your dentist regularly.

Your dentist has seen a tremendous amount of patients who grind their teeth while they sleep. As teeth wear down it will change the gum and normal tooth ratio giving you that gummy smile.

Clenching and grinding, also called bruxism, can be caused by anxiety or stress. Over time, grinding your teeth will cause them to wear down becoming shorter with age. It is not uncommon to see short teeth in people who are in their thirties and forties.

A bite dysfunction is more common than most people think, and unless you have a beautiful smile, you might be dealing with a bite dysfunction. Your dentist will tell you that a bite dysfunction, caused by bruxism or TMJ will put the health of your jaws, teeth, and mouth at risk. 

If you have worn, broken or cracked teeth or are experiencing stiff or sore jaw muscles you may have a bite dysfunction. Other signs to look for include facial pain, uncomfortable chewing, loose teeth, receding gums, an uncomfortable bite, or a popping or clicking sound in your jaw.

Schedule an appointment with your dentist who can help determine if you are suffering from a bite dysfunction. Ignoring any of the above problems could cause irreversible damage to your mouth, jaw, teeth, and gums.